How you were able to sit and type all with a straight face while simultaneously pooing all over someone who's been trying to do the opposite of everything just desribed is. Regaurdless, this video/post was all about not making any more "excuses" as you put it but rather taking accountability and trying to better myself. Also comparing me to creators that don't have children, is poor comparison.

Whats OBVIOUS here, is you want for me to so badly be everything you just described and I'm not and clearly that's upsetting to you, and for what reason? It don't even make sense. I was referring to why I wanted to implement a more casual lp on the channel - also mentioning I love the planning part of LPS but I like the surprise too. Also when I said "it takes too much planning" I love how you left out the rest of that statement. I would still post the laggy crappy footage of me being upset for 5 minutes and complaining about it right? Because THAT sounds more passionate to you? Than the reality which would of been me just trying to get a video up.
I use mods for the lack of inspiration, but because of using SO MANY MODS, it made my game lag. Also, I can use those phrases interchangeably because they all apply. You do know, MANY OF YOUR FAVORITE CREATORS actually turned down the show right? I guess their not passionate either?. The fact that you're trying to insuante "THAT'S PROOF I hate the sims" actually made me giggle, you're so silly. Yea none of us are use to having to create under that type of pressure. Let me help you.ONE MORE TIME.On spark'd I was miserable, also did you not see how unhappy a lot of us were? Why are you singling only me out 😂 The LONG HOURS of filming with only 4-5 hours of sleep was brutal! Not to mention the unrealistic expectations of the challenges. XUrbanSimsX 2 simmer True, you are speaking on pure assumption and it's fine.